FAQ (frequently asked questions)

How to fill in the score automatically?

For example, the game consists of 4 players. You just need to key in the 3 player's scores in any other. The last player's score will be calculated automatically.
In case you are modifying the score after this process. You can simply remove the player's score that you wish to be automatically filled; then press enter or just click outside of the field.

How to change the player's name?

Simply click on the player's name, you should be redirected to the player's details screen where you can change the player's name.

I have deleted the player, why does this player still appear in the previous matches?

The core idea of Zero Sum Score is that the total score for each match is equal to 0. So to preserve this logic and to keep the previous matches consistent, the player's score will still be displayed in the previous matches even though the player has been deleted.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions or want to report a bug/glitch, please contact the Service Provider via email at vtankbrothers@gmail.com. We will try to respond as soon as possible.